Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Muhammad Ibrahim

Friday, June 11, 2010

Nappy Rash

New mums are often very concerned when they find a red rash on their baby’s bottom. Not to worry, it’s probably nappy rash. While a few lucky babies never get nappy rash, but most babies will experience it at one time or another. Some babies seem to get nappy rash no matter what mum does to prevent it

Nappy rashes during the first 3 months after the birth are usually short-lived, and often clear up easily with simple treatments. However, nappy rashes during this time can sometimes be confused with heat or hormonal rashes (which do not require any special treatment). Some babies are more prone to nappy rashes as they grow older, no matter what creams are used, and how often the nappies are changed. Occasionally, the rash will be caused (or aggravated), by certain creams, washing powders or nappy liners, and changing these may make a difference.

There are serveral creams avaiable in market to avoid and treat nappy rash you should better consult your peadiatrition for a servere nappy rash.
some precautions to avoid nappy rash are:

  • Change nappies often
  • Clean baby’s bottom with each nappy change and pat dry
  • Don’t use diapers that are too tight
  • Avoid plastic or rubber pants because they can restrict air flow
  • Try a barrier cream or ointment to prevent future rashes in babies with sensitive skin.
  • Leave you child without diappers in sunlight atleast for an hour or two daily.

It is difficult to avoid nappy all the time incase of rash, specially when you have to attend a function with your child and your child is sufferring with severe nappy rash. Here is a home remedy to avoid and treat nappy rashes within hours without avoiding nappies.

Clean your baby bottom thoroughly with water and pat dry. Now take some musturd oil and add few drops of water in it, mix it up properly to make a creame like thing and cover your baby bottom and rash area with this mixture. Now use the diapper and you will see the next time you will change the diapper, rash will be 50% gone. Try to use this on every diaper change to avoid nappy rashes.

Infant Colic problem and Treatment

It is not uncommon for newborn babies to go through periods when they appear abnormally irritable or seemingly cry for no reason. However, if you suspect your baby is suffering from colic, you may look for the following symptoms:

  • cries vigorously for long periods, despite efforts to console
  • symptoms occur around the same time each day or night, often after meal times, and usually ending as abruptly as they began
  • shows signs of gas discomfort and abdominal bloating
  • has a hard, distended stomach, with knees pulled to the chest, clenched fists, flailing arms and legs, and an arched back
  • experiences frequent sleeplessness, irritability and fussiness

In most cases, colic is the worst pain a baby has thus experienced. To relive your infant from this pain there are several ways:

  • Colic drops are available in market for infant and usually solve the minor colic problem.
  • Gripe water is also helpful for relieving colic pain
  • you can also try this home remedy of mine to sooth you baby:

take some fennel seeds, pepper mint, a small cinamon stick, 2 or 3 cardamom and 1 or 2 big cardamon, add about 1 1/2 cup of water and cook for 3-4 minutes, until it is cooked properly and have changed color. Then strain this and feed your child with feeder or spoon. For infant under 3 months only 30-60 ml once in a day is enough.

It is greate recipe and works with severe colic also. It have no side effects and also improves the digestive system of your baby.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Baby Care

This blog is for new mothers who are having problems in bringing up their kids. Its really difficult to take care of a new born in the right way and as they grow up, it is harder than ever to take care of all their needs, their food, health and also teaching them good manners and social values.
It is more difficult for working women specially who have to manage their work timings with baby.

I also face all these problems when I have my first kid and thought to have a blog to share ideas to help others.